
supply current中文是什么意思

  • 补偿海流(赤道海流不断的向东流去
  • 补充电流
  • 电源电流
  • 供电电流
  • 馈电电流
  • 馈电电路



  • 例句与用法
  • Supplies current context information to configuration - section handlers in asp . net applications
    向asp . net应用程序中的配置节处理程序提供当前上下文信息。
  • The transient power supply current ( iddt ) testing can detect some faults undetectable by any other test method , and increase fault coverage
  • The on - resistance of the synchronous rectifier is as low as 0 . 4 ? . it has a very high efficiency even in the light load thanks to its low quiescent supply current
  • At light loads , this converter works in skip - cycle mode to improve the efficiency . when it is shut down , the supply current is less than 0 . 1 a
    在论文中,作者首先阐述了电流模式dc - dc变换器的基本原理和关键技术,指明了整体电路设计的理论依据。
  • The system uses micro - work designs ; the total supplied current is not beyond 300 a , which makes it possible that one 5ah li - cell can be used about 2 years
    整个系统采用微功耗设计,电源供给的总电流不超过300 a ,使得一节5ah的锂电池可以持续使用2年。
  • It is also widely available , cheap , resistant to rfi , and quite remarkably noise free , since it has low output dv / dt and does not generate a supply current pulse
    优点是应用广泛、价格便宜、抗射频干扰( rfi ) ,而且噪声相当低(得益于输出压摆率低,不会产生开关电流) 。
  • Based on experimental results , this paper came up with a method to estimate the average dynamic power supply current by counting the weighting logical transitions in the circuit
  • The dynamic power supply current ( iddt ) is a new window through which we can observe the switching activities in digital circuits . iddt testing methods make possible further increasing the fault coverage
  • By exploring the characters of dynamic power supply currents of digital circuits using spice , this paper analyzed the relation between iddt and the switching activities when a circuit changes from one logical state to another
  • This makes low - voltage / low supply current operation critical ; at the same time , however , accuracy and precision requirements have forced ic manufacturers to meet the challenge of “ doing more with less ” in their amplifier designs
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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